Monday, September 23, 2019

Recital Streaming of Russian pianist, Evgeny Kissin Thursday, September 26, 2019

From Vivian Read from the Bucks County Association of Piano Teachers:

What if you had a chance to see the famous Russian pianist, Evgeny Kissin, perform? And what if it was nearby and didn't cost a lot of money either? Good news! Bucks County Community College is hosting a recital streaming of Kissin's performance this coming Thursday Evening, September 26, 2019 at 7:00PM.

Future Concerts:

October 10, 2019 an All Beethoven concert with pianist Daniel Barenboim, violinist Itzhak  Perlman and cellist Yo-Yo Ma.

Philip Glass is on November 7. If you don't know anything about this 20th Century minimalist composer, you could look him up on YouTube. My former student, Sam, played a piece by Philip Glass called Truman Sleeps from the movie, The Truman Show.

A cultural streaming performance of The Nutcracker is scheduled December 12.

You can check out for more information and a complete list of the other performances.