Saturday, October 19, 2019

General Meeting and Speaker Dr. Rebecca Pennington October 18, 2019 at Jacobs Music in Doylestown

The Bucks County Association of Piano Teachers held its fall meeting on Friday, October 18, 2019 at 9:30 at Jacobs Music in Doylestown, PA, followed by a presentation by speaker Dr. Rebecca Pennington.

 Carole and Jennifer
 Phyllis and Addie
 Irina and Keith (Jacobs Music)

Dr. Pennington's Presentation was Teaching Young Children 3 1/2-5 Years Old.

She presented the Top Ten Tenets for Teaching Little Ones:

1. Elephants (and young children) never forget 
2. Little Hands Take Lots of Work
3. Again, Again, Again
4. We like to move it, move it!
5. Less is More
6. Non-verbal Cues are Important
7. The Glass is Half Full
8. Reading - Slow and Steady Wins the Race
9. Rhythm - One they have it, they have it for life
10. At-Home Practice: the key to success

She also handed out a very informative chart on the developmental differences between 3, 4, and 5-year-olds.

Physical Characteristics

For instance, 3-year-olds gain an average of 4-6 pounds per year, 4-year-olds close to 5, 5-year-olds loner and leaner, gain 4-5 pounds and grow 2-3 inches

Speech - 3-year-olds should be able to say 500-900 words, 4-year-olds 1,000 words, and 5-year-olds should speak very clearly

Cognitive - 3-year-olds can concentrate on taks for 8-9 minutes, 4-year-olds for 10-15 minutes

Social - 3 year-olds start to share and like to play with other childrem 4-year-olds start to show and express a wider range of emotion, and 5-year-olds want to please their friends

Kindergarten is the great equalizer.

For more information, you can contact Dr. Pennington at

 Dr. Rebecca Pennington with Co-Presidents Sally and Rebecca

After the presentation, there was a luncheon at Roman Delight.

Bucks County Choral Society Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 4:00PM

This is a not to be missed concert. Just go on the Bucks County Choral Society website and get tickets. We have an amazing orchestra - Symphony in C - that are all Curtis graduates, our chorus and the Bucks County Community College Choir and wonderful soloists performing. This entire work is seldom done because of the expense and the magnitude of the work. It is extremely exciting to be singing this amazing Brahms work.
Sincerely, Carole K. Smith
Bucks County Association of Piano Teachers
Bucks County Choral Society
Johannes Brahms
Ein Deutsches Requiem
Featuring Symphony in C acclaimed Soloists and the Bucks County Community College Choir

Sunday, November 3, 2019 at 4:00PM
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church 
Doylestown, PA 

For tickets and info visit:

or call 1-800-838-3006